Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Teen Suicide Is it Preventable - 1074 Words

Cindy, Juliette’s mother, walked into the attic and found a sight she was not prepared for. Expecting her daughter to be sitting on the floor doing homework or watching television on the couch, but she was hanging from the wooden rafters; her face as pale as a ghost’s. Juliette was only sixteen years old and her life was now over. Looking back now, Cindy realized that Juliette had been showing signs of depression ever since her sister was tragically killed in an automobile accident. Cindy blames herself because she should have gotten her daughter counseling or some other form of help, but she thought that Juliette was still getting over her sister’s death. A teen suicide is a tragic incident to happen in anyone’s life, but most people do†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"While teens are taking fewer drugs than they have in years suicide remains a problem so entrenched that it is prompting the medical community to re-evaluate how it identifies and treats suicidal adolescents† (Anna Mulrine 1). More than 500 schools are offering depression screenings in the upcoming school year, because eight percent of students in high school attempted suicide last year. School counselors should have special training to know when to recognize students who could possibly be suicidal, but over one third of them cannot identify them. Parents should simply ask their child if they have ever thought of killing their self; it is better to know before and get them help than having to plan their funeral. If they are depressed, there are people who can help them overcome that obstacle in life. Jessica attempted to kill herself when she was thirteen years old. When she recovered she told her coach she just wanted attention, but just before her school graduation, she swallowed enough pills to put her in a coma for three days. When she awoke she decided she would talk with a counselor for the first time. Jessica is now twenty-four and married with two chi ldren. Kelsey, who suffered from depression and suicide for years, swallowed eighteen Tylenol PM Pills one year after her brother ended his life, but she was lucky enough to have survived. †Suicide attempts are not stunts† (Douglas Jacobs 1). They canShow MoreRelatedInformative Speech On Teen Suicide989 Words   |  4 Pages Topic: Teen Suicide Awareness Teenage suicide is preventable, and ways that the society can help prevent are through the media, in schools, and in a Teens home. General Purpose: To bring awareness to my audience on teen suicide Specific Purpose: To inform and persuade my audience to take an active role in teen suicide awareness and prevention. 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When a teenage, who has the ability to make informed decisions and has all the potential in the world, considers committing suicide, this is a tragedy. The tragedy suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people ages 15-24. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students. This paper attempts to list theoriesRead MoreEssay about Teen Suicide916 Words   |  4 Pagesfaced with problems on a daily basis. When they are unable to deal with those daily hassles, serious problems can develop within the teen that can ultimately lead to resulting effects including depression or even suicide. Suicide in teens is one of the most traumatic and problematic issues that we face today in not only adults but many adolescents as well. Today suicide is one of the top causes for death in teenagers, out shadowed only by homicides and accidents. 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There are many events that lead up to a young persons suicide, for instance a little problem that seems inescapable which manifests themselves into overwhelming burdens. Detection and prevention are both key for adults

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