Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Internet and Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Internet and Technology - Research Paper Example As such, this paper shall briefly discuss the functional and social benefits of the Internet, and then move on to elucidating its social disadvantages. In the end, this paper aims to reinforce its thesis that while the Internet has its positive social benefits, it should not be replaced with real, face-to-face social interactions. Benefits of the Internet The primary advantages of the Internet are rooted in its nature as a digital communication medium. In this regard, it can be claimed that the common benefits of the Internet may be grouped either as functional or social. There are three common functional benefits of the Internet. Firstly, the Internet allows for an easier and more comfortable access to a vast number of information second (Brey 4). As an example, through the presence of various search engines like Google and Yahoo! Search, people from all over the globe can access pertinent information about any topic in less than a second. This helps in enhancing people’s cog nitive skills. Secondly, The Internet makes it possible for people to efficiently and effectively transfer information (Brey 4). For example, with the increasing popularity of blog sites and social networking sites, almost anyone can create or disseminate online contents to their contacts or subscribers. Such maintains high level of awareness and interest on the most pressing societal issues. Lastly, the Internet facilities various communication formats among individuals from all parts of the globe. Examples of these formats include one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many communication. Through this, freedom of expression is protected and practiced by giving every user a chance to impart his or her insights on the common societal happenings. On the other hand, there are four common social benefits of the Internet. Firstly, it helps develop and maintain good social relations. This usually happens when the Internet is used as a tool of communication for those who wish to maintain th eir closeness with their loved ones. For example, Skype is bridges communication gap by ensuring real-time communication. Secondly, the Internet contributes in the community formation and social organization by uniting people with same interests and likes. For example, there are various websites that cater to ‘passion groups’ like dancers, painters, and what not. As such, it often provides a fresh new approach for individuals to build and enhance social movements. Thirdly, the Internet also assists in one’s identity formation and psychological development by helping them ‘be what they really are’. In this sense, Internet’s capacity to allow for anonymity gives more freedom to the users. Lastly, the Internet paves the way for a better understanding not only of one’s culture, but of the culture of others, too. In this regard, through the vast information that are present in the Internet, anyone can search about history and art, allowing o ne to appreciate various cultural symbols and norms. Disadvantages of the Internet The Internet also has its share of negative effects to people and societies at large. Obviously, depending on the intention of its users, the Internet may be used to destroy one’s reputation and dignity. The primary disadvantage happens when online interaction is being replaced with tangible, face-to-face relationships. For example, when a person decides to engage more in online communication rather than real communication, he will slowly develop

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