Monday, December 9, 2019

Marketing Strategy Cristal Facility Servicesâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Marketing Strategy Cristal Facility Services? Answer: Introduction Cristal Facility Services is a five year old enterprise, but in this very short span of time the company has garnered good reputation and goodwill in the market for the quality of the services that the company provides and in the industry as well. CFS offers multiple services for both commercial and residential cleaning services which are guaranteed to be highly reliable and professional. The company provides assured top quality, dependable and professional services both in the commercial and residential sector for cleaning and maintenance services. A strategic marketing plan is a very crucial and significant step in building the enterprise and making it strive for growth and expansion. Strategic marketing plan is basically the study and organisation of every factor that affects the day to day operations of an enterprise so that the company can be prepared for the competition and any other issues that may come up in the future (Proctor, 2014). A marketing plan concentrates on two major aspects and finds a solution in accordance to the plan: firstly who are the competition that are already there in the industry and also how these competition can will be dealt by the organisation. Secondly, to understand and carefully analyse the factors that affect the day to day proceedings of the organisation; how these factors can be used for the betterment of the companys future (Hendrickson et al., 2016). To understand the target market and to attract the potential customers of a cleaning and maintenance company a comprehensive and informative marketing plan is required. This marketing plan will guide the management of the company to review and answer all the important matters and queries regarding the enterprise (Nykiel, 2016). The plan can also be used as reference point so that the company can use it to execute the marketing strategies as well. Furthermore, a strategic marketing plan assists in the creation of an infrastructure for the purpose of growth and the approach for customised services and products that tend to satisfy customers requests (Smith, 2013). The aim of this report is to submit a comprehensive description about the marketing plan of Cristal Facility Services. Firstly the business environment is going to be discussed in details as the internal and external business environments are the most important criterion that a business organisation has to keep in the mind while taking any kind of decision. Then the target market and the customer base along with the existing client will be mentioned then a competitor analysis is flowed with a SWOT analysis to gather in-depth idea about the market and finally come to a conclusion about the companys future (Jacobson, Cornish Sedaca, 2014). Business Environment Internal environment Analysis Crystal Facility Services Pty Ltd is a cleaning and maintenance company that was established in the year 2012 by Amar Kumar. While studying at the university Mr. Kumar worked part-time cleaning the offices and houses of friends and family to earn quick bucks later he turned his experience of cleaning and maintenance that he had gathered and built it into a company. Currently the enterprise has seventeen staff members and in this term of five years the company has gained goodwill for the high quality performance of the services that the company delivered. The company has been quite successful in building a brand entity n the cleaning and maintenance sector. The goal of the company is to offer all its customers and clients modern and professional quality services in a regular manner (Cheung Pires, 2015). CFS has shown adaptability in terms of accepting and implementing new and innovative technology in the cleaning and the maintenance sector in order to produce high quality services to the clientele. The resources of the company are valued by the management and is always recognized and encouraged for the efforts that they put in their work. They are not only provided with a good working environment and scope of learning in the organisation but also is paid rewards for their efforts and hard work (Kuratko, Hornsby Covin, 2014). Objective of the company Team work and team management is the prime focus and the objective of the company. The management believes that the effort of a team towards achieving a singular goal will help the company drive towards the betterment of the company and the stake holders. The clienteles, resources of the company along with the community is believed to be the fundamental base of the companys growth and success process. Vision and Mission Crystal Facility Services work towards a technically advanced and innovative approach to the cleaning and maintenance sector do that the clients and the customers are offered services they expect form the company. Brand identity Brand identity is the image of the company that is perceived by the customers. It takes years and a lot of strategies for a company to build a brand identity and to maintain that backed by the quality of services provided. But, in just five years of operation time CFS has created a brand identity for the company. The company offers a wide range of services under one umbrella. The centre of concentration of the company is customer satisfaction along with top quality services that is available in the reasonable price (Ketata, Sofka Grimpe, 2015). Product and service portfolio overview The company offers a plethora of services that can be customized as per the clients request. The portfolios of the services are: one time, daily, weekly, monthly based on the customers requirements. The staff and the resources of the company put in a lot of dedication and hard work to provide the clients with premium quality work. Some of the services are commercial cleaning, house cleaning, waste management, emergency response work-flood damage, and pest control along with maintenance services. Internal resources assessment The company is a considerably small set up with just 17 staff members. But the exponential growth and the expanding client base of the company is urging to recruit more employees in the future for the company to be able to manage and to commit to new clients and projects. The financial back up of the company is provided by the capital earned by the operations of the company. It is dependent on the owner, to implement new and improved technologies in to the projects undertaken, investment in assets are required. s it is a small enterprise the companys management and the operation works closely with rest of the staffs. Hence the opportunities, complains and grievances are directly dealt with the management and the employees (Kew Stredwick, 2017). Overview of the marketing mix Product: the product and service that is sold by the company is a cleaning and maintenance service which ranges from cleaning, to maintaining, to pest control and other services etc. Both commercial and residential sectors are clients of the company. Price: the motto of the company is to provide the clients with superior quality services in any sector. The services of the company are backed up by the modern technologies that are adapted by the company. All the facilities that the company offers are at a reasonable rate and hence the company has gained so much positive response in the short period of operation. Place: the company as of now operates in a small location as the scale of operation of the organisation is not much. Hence the place is restricted to nearby offices and houses. But along with growth, expansion is the future prospect of the company (Huang Sarigll, 2014). Promotion: Some of the promotional activities of the company are through the logo which is on the stationery and the uniform of the staff. It helps in spreading the word in the market. Social media and internet is also actively used by the company for promotional purposes. Word of mouth promotion by loyal customers who advocate for the company is also a significant part of the promotion mix of a company that is starting off and is of a small scale (Khan, 2014). External Environment analysis The external environment of a business organisations are the factors that influence directly or indirectly the day to day operations of the organisation. These factors are not under the control of the company and hence these are the factors that should be kept in the minds during taking any important decisions regarding the business or making any policies of the organisation. The PESTN Analysis is used to review and study the present situation of a company in relation to the external environment (Gupta, 2013). PESTN Analysis of the company: Political factors: The Company has a labour intensive sector of operations and hence it is cound by the labour laws of the Australian government. As a small company the operations are not much influenced by the changes in the policies of the government. But a change in the tax slab or the fiscal policies in relation to the buying and selling of technologically advanced products can affect the companys assets and operations. Economic factors: The clients that are targeted by the company are mostly offices and residential areas. The purchasing power and the basic economies of the country is not much effected by the industry as the cleaning and maintenance is a crucial part of living. Because of the clever pricing strategy of the company the economies doesnt have much of an influence in the operations of the business. Socio-cultural factors: The betterment of the community is one of fundamentals of the organisation. The cultural background of the owner of the company dose not has anything to do with the prospect and the development of the company. But the life style of the clients that the company deals with has to be of a sophisticate one because only then they will hire a different company to do the cleaning and maintenance for them. Technological factors: this is an important concern of the business. As mentioned earlier the company believes in innovation of the procedure of workings with the help of new technologies. The cost of technologies and the availability of new technology in the relevant field are encouraged by the company and affects the companys growth and development. A constant research of the technological innovations that can be incorporated in the business should be done by the companys management. Natural environment: the weather of the company is of important concern to the daily business and project commitment of the company. For example: if it is the monsoon season and the rains are unpredictable or there is a flood situation then the commitment is difficult to fulfil by the team because of the weather. Natural disaster or any kind of natural calamities affect every business in the area and the company should have a backup plan to combat such unforeseen circumstances. Customer analysis It is very important for a business organisation to have a set target group of customers who the company wants to attract to increase the business. The target market of the company is the potential client who would like to avail the services that are offered by the company. The customer segmentation can be divided in to four categories: demographic, geographic, behavioural and psychographic (Wilkinson, 2013). Demographic: the management of CFS deals with the people who are in the age group of 27-60 who either own their houses or have an office set up. Or is the owner of a residential complex. Knowing the age group of the target market ensures that the company is promoting in the places that the people form this age group can be communicated and attracted. Geographic: The current place of operation of the company is not very scattered as the scale of the business is small. The location of operation is limited to the reach of the staff in terms of resource and contacts. The present place for operation is in and around Victoria, Melbourne. This gives a window of opportunity and growth for the company to expand in other places as well. Behavioral: The people who are targeted by the company are the ones who have the purchasing power to avail the services. Though the service is priced at a reasonable cost and the portfolio of the project can be customised according to the needs of the clients the urge to spend on cleaning should be there within the customers. This is especially for the residential projects that are taken up by the company. For the office or commercial projects of the business it is important that the clients do not own in-house cleaning staff to do the maintenance work for them (De Keyser, Schepers Konu?, 2015). Psychographic: clean, hygienic, high-maintenance and well-maintained are some of the physiological traits of the potential customers of the company. As pest control is also one of the services offered by the company people who are careful and are protective towards the house and the wooden furniture of the house are also potential clients of the company (Cross, Belich, Rudelius, 2015). Competitor analysis The cleaning and maintenance industry in Australia is gaining a steep rise in demand along with the rise in the standard of living of the people of Australia. There are more and more firms that are coming up with this set up and Crystal Facility Services has a lot of competition in the industry. There are some of the factors that set the company apart from rest of the competition but in the larger picture the scenario is crowded and has stiff competition. Competition in business should be viewed with a positive outlook. It provides the company with an opportunity to learn, grow, and elevate the level of the quality of work. The competition of a company helps the management to develop a strategic plan that will make it different from the others in the market (Tassinari, 2016). Local competition in Melbourne: The top three competitors that are in the Victoria area of Melbourne are: Glitz cleaning, Pure N Bright Melbourne and Oakgem Nominees Pty Ltd T/A Bebrite Services. One of the major setbacks of the organization is that they have a negligible web presence. Since the company has a vision to incorporate new and innovative methods of cleaning, the company should also grow with the trend of having a web presence much like its competitors. A lot of potential customers will be lost because it is a trend among the people to first look up something online and read the reviews the online word of mouth is a very essential part of new business and digital marketing (Fleisher Bensoussan, 2015). The websites of each of these companies give the potential customer a brief descrip The segmentation of the services of these competitor companies is divided in a very strategic and organized way; where as the offerings of the CFS has to be confirmed by the company. The fundamental basis of the competition is in the cleaning industry as it is related to hygiene and cleanliness the clients will expect an image of the company to be like that. Promotions of these companies are also being done by the management and hence they are well known among the potential market of CFS. The unique feature that CFS has to offer is the price point (West, Ford Ibrahim, 2015). Factors and features Crystal Facility Services Glitz cleaning Pure N Bright Melbourne Oakgem Nominees Pty Ltd T/A Bebrite Services Quality 2.5 3 3 2.5 Price 4 3 2 3 Promotion 1 4 3 4 Reach 1 4 4 3 Customizable features 4 3 2.5 3 Figure: Competition comparison matrix The marks have been allotted to each of the companies out of 5. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis is a quick glance at the current position of the company and the chance it has to grow. It studies both the internal and external factors that are associated with the profile of the business. The strength and the weakness are the internal features of the company that are present in the current scenario whereas the opportunities and the threats deals with the competitors and the external market forces which are not under the direct control of the organization (Ho, 2014). Strength: the biggest strength of the company is the staff and the management, the staff of the company are dedicate resources who are happy with their jobs and are willing to grow with the prospects of the company. As the company is open to use new technological advances in the business this gives them the lot of growing opportunities in the future. Weakness: Promotional strategies of the company are not concrete and hence they is a very less knowledge about the company among the potential customers. This has also limited the reach of the company to a small location. The absence of the web presence is a big setback in this time. People who are the potential customers are tech savvy and hence it is very important to have a website and get registered with mobile apps like urban clap etc (Chen, 2014). Opportunities: Expansion of the company in other localities is a big opportunity for the company. The owner of the company knows about every technicality of the working of the business and hence that gives the company an upper hand over other companies. Window cleaning is an opportunity that the company has not tapped in the services that they offer. Threats: local competition in Victoria are immense and high top three companies who are a direct threat to CFS is Glitz cleaning, Pure N Bright Melbourne and Oakgem Nominees Pty Ltd T/A Bebrite Services along with many others like B L maintenance, Miam Services, Trc Solutions, Linda expert cleaning and many more (Shabanova et al., 2015). Conclusion Considering the company has just opened in 2012, the business is taking off on the positive foot. There are a plenty of opportunity for the company to grow in the next few years provided that the company keeps up with the quality of the service they are providing currently. The staffs and the high quality service at a reasonable price is the unique selling point of the organization and hence it should keep up and strive to provide the clients with better experience. The competition is stuff in the market since there are a lot of cleaning companys in the same location but having said that, Victoria is a densely packed area of Melbourne and there are immense demand for this business as people want to stay in a clean and healthy house, it also elevates the standard of living. Reference list: Chen, K. Y. (2014). Improving importance-performance analysis: The role of the zone of tolerance and competitor performance. The case of Taiwan's hot spring hotels.Tourism Management,40, 260-272. Cheung, R. S. Y., Pires, G. D. (2015). The role of power distance in the application of relationship marketing orientation to the internal business environment.Global Business and Economics Review,17(3), 330-343. Cross, J. C., Belich, T. J., Rudelius, W. (2015). How marketing managers use market segmentation: An exploratory study. InProceedings of the 1990 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 531-536). Springer, Cham. 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